112024 minor tweaks, new neighbor buttons, shrines layout up
102224 blog page added and further refined!
101924 added the diary and sitemap pages!
100624 v2 of milk-tea up after a torturous 4 week coding stint
082624 loading element + finished desk.html's layout, also search bars were added to archive pages!
082124 minor tweaks, new diary.html entry + sitemap!
081724 archive (resources) page finished! desk otw
081224 added desk + about skeletons
080724 diary page finished + first entry up, added a sitemap page and converted all my assets to webp
080624 diary page 85% done! first entry up tomorrow :3
080524 added a diary page, though barebones
080224 landing page updated, added profile + contact buttons
073124 milk-tea v1.5 (index) is up because im an indecisive fuck
072524 milk-tea v1 + index is up! (it was up a week ago i just made the updates tab 2day)
071024 milk-tea was conceived